Author Archive

Training Practitioners in LCHF and Funding Research: Ep 42

By Doug Reynolds on March 24, 2020

Download Episode Jayne Bullen is the leader of The Noakes Foundation and works closely with Prof Noakes and a team of visionary scientists in Cape Town, addressing the escalating obesity and diabetes crisis in South Africa and the world through research and community education interventions.  She talks here about how she found the Low Carb […]

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How to get the movie ‘Fat Fiction’ in a Theater Near You: Ep 40

By Doug Reynolds on March 10, 2020

Download Episode It’s here at last!  ‘Fat Fiction’—a film that questions decades of diet advice insisting that saturated fats are bad for us—premieres in Los Angeles on March 13 and after that it will show in numerous theatres around the world. Episode 40 of the LowCarbUSA® features an engaging conversation with “Fat Fiction’ director Jennifer […]

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Finally, A Non-Profit to Fund Keto Research: Ep 37

By Doug Reynolds on February 17, 2020

Download Episode What an amazing couple. Dorian Greenow and Gemma Kochis, the founders of Keto-Mojo, talk about the establishment of a non-profit called the Ketogenic Foundation to fund further research into the keto diet and it’s many health benefits.  They are utilizing Keto-Mojo profits as well as all affiliate link monies raised by Keto-Mojo to […]

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A Food Addict’s Road Back – Karen Parrott: Ep 35

By Doug Reynolds on February 3, 2020

Download Episode Pam talks today with Karen Parrott.  She has been an awesome supporter of ours and has volunteered at almost all our San Diego events.  We learned about her amazing personal story and have been meaning to get her on the podcast for a long time.  So glad we have finally managed to do […]

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PCOS – Success with a Keto Diet – Carolina Cartier: Ep 30

By Doug Reynolds on December 2, 2019

Download this Episode Carolina Cartier talks to Pam about her incredible personal success in curing her PCOS and losing 200 lbs entirely through adopting an LCHF lifestyle. She had endocrine issues from an early age and was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) at 13. She tried all the Standard of Care treatments for PCOS […]

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Grass-Fed or Grain-Finished: Peter Ballerstedt: Ep 28

By Doug Reynolds on November 18, 2019

Download Episode We talk here with Dr. Peter Ballerstedt about the real differences between grass-fed and grain-finished beef and whether or not a good carbohydrate reduction lifestyle is possible if the meat is not from a grass-fed source. Peter Ballerstedt (aka The Sodfather) received his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in 1981 and Master of […]

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Keto For Pets – Daniel Schulof: Ep27

By Doug Reynolds on November 11, 2019

Download Episode Turns out our dogs and cats suffer from the same metabolic conditions as humans do when they are fed the excessive carbohydrates that are contained in most commercial pet foods today.  Daniel Schulof was a lawyer who started out trying to find out how best to feed his dog and ended up going […]

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Harsh Reality of Carb Addiction – Joan Ifland: Episode 25

By Doug Reynolds on October 28, 2019

Download Episode Pam talks here with Dr. Joan Ifland about her personal journey as she confronted the harsh reality of carb addiction and how she has now written the first official text book on the subject which provides the scientific explanations behind the condition. We have seen many attendees at our conferences where she has […]

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Dr. Tro Kalayjian On Keto and Athletics: Episode 19

By Doug Reynolds on October 7, 2019

Download This Episode Dr. Tro discusses his journey from an obese attending physician to a lean athlete. He then goes on to discuss all the latest research showing there is no degradation in performance for athletes on a ketogenic diet as long is it is properly formulated and they allowed a sufficient amount of time […]

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