Supporting Local Farms and Promoting Healthy Living: The Story Behind Route 22 Meats

With consumer interest in food origins and quality on the rise, Route 22 Meats is emerging as a mission-driven venture committed to delivering clean, high-quality beef while supporting small family farms in the United States. Specializing in grass-fed, grass-finished beef, the company addresses the growing demand for sustainable, transparent, and locally sourced meat products. Empowering […]
Hard Ketones, Ethanol-Free Alcohol, No Toxic Side Effects: Ep 90

Download Episode Doug Reynolds interviews Frank Llosa about his new concept of hard ketones. It comes in the form of R1,3-Butanediol, an alcohol without the toxicity and side effects of the ethanol contained in beer, wine, and hard liquor (visit This Page to enjoy a 15% discount at checkout). Frank, who competed as an […]
Honesty In Pet Food – Jaron Lukas: Ep 89

Download Episode At a time when nearly 90 percent of our human population is metabolically unhealthy, we were extremely interested to meet Jaron Lucas, who has devoted his career to helping dogs regain their health through proper nutrition. Jaron sat down with LowCarbUSA® co-founder Doug Reynolds for an incredibly informative podcast interview. After personally discovering […]
Easy Insulin Test – At Home Metabolic Health Test Kits: Ep 81

Download Episode Dr. Alexandra Sowa is a dual board-certified physician of Internal Medicine and Obesity Medicine, helping thousands of patients through her practice in New York. Seeing a growing need for patients to be able to easily gain access to relevant lab tests that can help diagnose as well as track responses to interventions, she […]
Surprising Insights from Wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM): Ep 77

Download Episode Recently Pam and I were approached by Casey Means, MD who is the co-founder and Chief medical officer of a company called Levels which is creating an App to integrate with a CGM and provide a whole lot of added value to basic scan data available in the CGM dashboard. We go over […]
Struggle Giving Up Bread And Chips? There May Be A Solution: Ep 73

Download Episode William Schumacher found when he adopted a keto diet that he was like me and did not miss bread at all but what he did miss was really good crunchy chips (or crisps as they are called in various other regions). Uprising Foods is on a mission to rebuild and reformulate the staple […]
Keto Kind – Medical Grade Meal Replacement: Ep 66

Download Episode Andrés Rosales and Mauricio Moel are two youngsters from Mexico, studying at Harvard, who decided that there was a huge gap in the meal replacement market for a very strict, clean, keto version. They wanted medical practitioners who were using therapeutic carbohydrate reduction as an intervention in their practice to feel comfortable recommending […]
Constantly Striving for Better and Cheaper Testing: Ep 60

Download Episode LowCarbUSA® podcast Episode 60 features our great friend, Keto-Mojo founder, Dorian Greenow. He talked to us about the latest model of their blood glucose and blood ketone meter & even higher quality machine which makes it even easier and less expensive for people to check their levels. . More importantly he also shares just […]
Community is the “Game Changer”

It’s been 4 yrs on a Low carb Ketogenic approach and I have to say without a doubt that being a part of a community has made all the difference in my journey with weight loss. In the beginning, it was all about finding others who were eating the same way! I saw a plethora […]
Low Carb Wine, The Only Healthy Option

All the wine distributed by Dry Farm Wine is Low Carb Wine. In fact, they actually have zero carbs and no additives or artificial coloring. They are slightly lower alcohol wines and are mycotoxin free and, as a result, NO HANGOVER! One of the first objections to a Low Carb Diet invariably is, ‘what about […]