Author Archive

Andrew Oswari, MD Becomes One Of the First To Be SMHP Accredited : Ep 67

By Doug Reynolds on February 25, 2021

Download Episode Two years ago, Dr. Andrew Oswari, a family medicine doctor practicing integrative medicine, was experiencing what most doctors are currently experiencing, depression and disillusionment due to their lack of ability to help any of their patients with chronic illnesses get better.  Ongoing progression of the conditions and escalating medications are the order of […]

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Keto Kind – Medical Grade Meal Replacement: Ep 66

By Doug Reynolds on February 9, 2021

Download Episode Andrés Rosales and Mauricio Moel are two youngsters from Mexico, studying at Harvard, who decided that there was a huge gap in the meal replacement market for a very strict, clean, keto version.  They wanted medical practitioners who were using therapeutic carbohydrate reduction as an intervention in their practice to feel comfortable recommending […]

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Gary Taubes’ New Book – The Case For Keto: Ep 63

By Doug Reynolds on December 29, 2020

 Download Episode After bursting onto the scene with Good Calories Bad Calories in 2007, Gary Taubes has gone on to write many books that have managed to make it into the mainstream and not get pigeonholed in the Keto or Low Carb genre which, let’s be honest, is still pretty small as communities go.  […]

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Ben Bikman – What is Insulin Resistance, Really? Ep 62

By Doug Reynolds on December 23, 2020

Download Episode What a fascinating discussion with Dr. Ben Bikman about what Insulin Resistance really means.  He makes this statement towards the end but I would like to highlight it right here at the start, “We should be studiously avoiding dogmatic thinking and constantly be checking what we think we know, lest we become that […]

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Constantly Striving for Better and Cheaper Testing: Ep 60

By Doug Reynolds on November 17, 2020

Download Episode LowCarbUSA® podcast Episode 60 features our great friend, Keto-Mojo founder, Dorian Greenow. He talked to us about the latest model of their blood glucose and blood ketone meter & even higher quality machine which makes it even easier and less expensive for people to check their levels. .  More importantly he also shares just […]

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Cop with PTSD Finds Keto a Great Help: Ep 50

By Doug Reynolds on June 9, 2020

Download Episode Eric Reynolds was a cop with the Boynton Beach Police Department near West Palm and he got shot in the foot by an armed bank robber they were chasing and he ended up killing the suspect in the process.  The whole incident left him in a pretty bad way and he started to […]

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Keto – What If Your Partner Is Sabotaging You? Ep 47

By Doug Reynolds on May 5, 2020

Download Episode Dr. Richard Margolis is psychiatrist who, together with his nurse wife, Lisa, have embraced the ketogenic lifestyle with great success.  We spoke to them about how and why they got started and they really wanted to talk about the power of doing it together and how it’s so much easier to be successful […]

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Dr. Paul Mason – Metabolic Health and Coronavirus: Ep 45

By Doug Reynolds on April 14, 2020

Download Episode Dr Paul Mason presents a detailed explanation of how poor metabolic health is the major contributing factor with complications and fatalities as a result of Coronavirus.  He goes on to show how, just by changing their diet and cutting carbs and increasing saturated fat could start reducing the risks for those people almost […]

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Certified Low Carb Coaching Program Launch: Ep 44

By Doug Reynolds on April 7, 2020

Download Episode LowCarbUSA® has partnered with Restore Health to provide a certified coaching program to support people adopting the Low Carb (or Ketogenic) Lifestyle. The program is brilliantly sequenced and rolled out in a manner that enables participants to make these behavioural changes in a methodical and sustainable way. Participants are paired with a real, […]

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