Dr. Boz Adopts Keto Practice after Helping Mom Battle Cancer: Ep 99

Download Episode Annette Bosworth, MD (Dr. Boz) shares her ‘accidental’ discovery of ketosis while helping her mom battle cancer. “In my best prayers, we were hoping for a 50% reduction of her cancer & it went down 70%”, she said. “I thought I was giving her the best care possible & what I was missing […]
What A Story of Hope! LCHF Saves Tia’s Life: Ep 98

Download Episode LowCarbUSA® co-founders Doug Reynolds and Pam Devine recently interviewed Tia Reid, who used a low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) way of eating to overcome type 2 diabetes, NAFLD, hypertension, obesity, GERD, gout, sleep apnea, and more. Tia sustainably lost 85 pounds and came off 20 medications she no longer needed, after finding Dr. Robert Cywes, […]
The Health and Healing Coach, Tracey McBeath, Presents Men’s Health Matters Summit: Ep 97

Download Episode LowCarbUSA co-founders Doug Reynolds and Pam Devine interviewed Tracey McBeath, The Health & Healing Coach who lives in Melbourne, Australia. Tracey totally changed her lifestyle at age 40 after a fatty liver and prediabetes diagnosis. She went on to instill lifestyle changes with her husband, and her family, and that led her to want […]
Fructose/Uric Acid Metabolism is One of the Central Drivers of Many Metabolic Diseases – Dr. Pete Delannoy: Ep 96

Download Episode We speak with Pete Delannoy, PhD, a highly trained biochemist, certified Primal Health Coach, and Nutrition Network Advisor in the application of the keto lifestyle to put gout in remission, reverse diabetes, and help clients lose weight. In this compelling interview, Pete discusses many issues, including: the relationship between the glucose-centric model of […]
Dr. Laura Buchanan, a Young MD Who “Gets It”, Joins Forces With Dr. Tro Kalayjian: Ep 95

Download Episode LowCarbUSA® Founder and CEO Doug Reynolds recently had an encouraging conversation with Tro Kalayjian, DO and Laura Buchanan, MD, MHP, about developing low-carb/keto resources for practitioners and patients. The interview is now available as Episode 95 of the LowCarbUSA® podcast. Dr. Tro is on the Board of Directors of the Society of Metabolic […]
Chef to the Stars on Organ Meats and Finding a Way To Eat Them: Ep 94

Download Episode James and Doug discuss the health benefits of organ meats, and the fact that their consumption, particularly in the U.S., has declined over the past several decades. This is unfortunate, according to James, and is due in part to several misconceptions people have about organ meat. “Organ meats are the most nutrient dense […]
The Black Carnivore – Ede Fox: Ep 92

Download Episode Ede Fox, aka. The Black Carnivore discusses how by 2015 she had reached an all time high weight of 246 lbs, she was in a lot of pain and decided she really need to do something about it. She had a go at the keto diet and found that even before she really […]
Reversing Ulcerative Colitis By Adopting a Carnivore Diet – Brett Ender: Ep 91

Download Episode Today we talk with Brett Ender (aka @MrSollozzo) and hear how he reversed debilitating ulcerative colitis by adopting a carnivore diet. He had started to notice symptoms while at college. But while serving in an internship after that, where he commuted 4 hours a day by train to and from New York City, […]
Hard Ketones, Ethanol-Free Alcohol, No Toxic Side Effects: Ep 90

Download Episode Doug Reynolds interviews Frank Llosa about his new concept of hard ketones. It comes in the form of R1,3-Butanediol, an alcohol without the toxicity and side effects of the ethanol contained in beer, wine, and hard liquor (visit This Page to enjoy a 15% discount at checkout). Frank, who competed as an […]
Honesty In Pet Food – Jaron Lukas: Ep 89

Download Episode At a time when nearly 90 percent of our human population is metabolically unhealthy, we were extremely interested to meet Jaron Lucas, who has devoted his career to helping dogs regain their health through proper nutrition. Jaron sat down with LowCarbUSA® co-founder Doug Reynolds for an incredibly informative podcast interview. After personally discovering […]