Posts Tagged ‘Keto’

Awesome LCHF Success Story – Alexis Morales: Episode 13

By Doug Reynolds on September 4, 2019

Download Episode Alexis Morales describes her struggle with food addiction and how Nurse practitioner, Brandy Wiltermuth showed her the benefits of the LCHF Lifestyle and helped her over the addiction.  Now she has lost the weight and no longer has sleep apnea and she has joined Brandy in her practice with a passion to help […]

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Jess Dudley - Small Groups

Small Groups Get it Done – Jess Dudley: Episode 9

By Doug Reynolds on August 23, 2019

Jess Dudley has always been adamant that the path to success for many people on this Low Carb Lifestyle journey lies in small groups and the sense of community that they breed.  She says’ “A community, at it’s best, inspires us and helps us build each other up!  We link arms and endeavour to understand […]

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Dr. Gary Fettke Moves On After Exoneration: Episode 8

By Doug Reynolds on August 19, 2019

After his exoneration by AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency), Dr. Gary Fettke now looks to the future.  In previous interviews we talked to Dr. Fettke about his incredible personal story discovering LCHF and putting his brain tumour into remission and then about his persecution by the AHPRA for trying to help his patients reverse […]

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