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We speak with Pete Delannoy, PhD, a highly trained biochemist, certified Primal Health Coach, and Nutrition Network Advisor in the application of the keto lifestyle to put gout in remission, reverse diabetes, and help clients lose weight.

In this compelling interview, Pete discusses many issues, including:

  • the relationship between the glucose-centric model of insulin resistance and fructose/uric acid metabolism.
  • working to have more research conducted on the causes and treatments of gout.
  • making people aware of the fact that when someone is suffering from gout, there is almost no chance that they are not suffering from one or more chronic diseases.

“We cannot look at gout like it’s a bastard stepchild,” said Pete. “A gout sufferer needs to be analyzed for their complete blood panel. 74% of gout sufferers have high blood pressure, 71% have kidney disease, 25% have diabetes, and approximately 15% have cardiovascular disease.  We need to start asking questions about the role hyperglycemia plays, and we need to understand to a much greater degree how these biochemical pathways are all related.”

“By shifting to a low-carb diet and monitoring uric acid, about 50% of the people with gout can put it into remission.”


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