Jess Dudley - Small Groups

Small Groups Get it Done – Jess Dudley: Episode 9

By Doug Reynolds on August 23, 2019

Jess Dudley has always been adamant that the path to success for many people on this Low Carb Lifestyle journey lies in small groups and the sense of community that they breed.  She says’ “A community, at it’s best, inspires us and helps us build each other up!  We link arms and endeavour to understand […]

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Dr. Gary Fettke Moves On After Exoneration: Episode 8

By Doug Reynolds on August 19, 2019

After his exoneration by AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency), Dr. Gary Fettke now looks to the future.  In previous interviews we talked to Dr. Fettke about his incredible personal story discovering LCHF and putting his brain tumour into remission and then about his persecution by the AHPRA for trying to help his patients reverse […]

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Kicking Off the LowCarbUSA® Podcast: Episode 1

By Doug Reynolds on July 11, 2019

 Doug Reynolds and Pam Devine, founders of LowCarbUSA® and now the LowCarbUSA Podcast, discuss why they are embarking on this journey and what inspires them to do what they do.  They also touch on the amazing work they have done to get the Clinical Guidelines document published for therapeutic Carbohydrate restriction which will, for sure […]

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Jess Dudley: Community Game Changer

Community is the “Game Changer”

By Doug Reynolds on May 18, 2019

It’s been 4 yrs on a Low carb Ketogenic approach and I have to say without a doubt that being a part of a community has made all the difference in my journey with weight loss. In the beginning, it was all about finding others who were eating the same way!  I saw a plethora […]

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Low Carb Wine from Dry Farm Wines

Low Carb Wine, The Only Healthy Option

By Doug Reynolds on May 17, 2019

All the wine distributed by Dry Farm Wine is Low Carb Wine.  In fact, they actually have zero carbs and no additives or artificial coloring.  They are slightly lower alcohol wines and are mycotoxin free and, as a result, NO HANGOVER! One of the first objections to a Low Carb Diet invariably is, ‘what about […]

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Clinical Guidelines for Therapeutic Carbohydrate Reduction

Clinical Guidelines for Prescribing Carbohydrate Restriction

By Doug Reynolds on May 16, 2019

Instigated by Gary Taubes and coordinated by Dr. Adele Hite we are extremely proud to announce the publication of our first official version of Clinical Guidelines for ‘The Prescription of Carbohydrate Restriction as a Therapeutic Intervention’.  In order to ensure the integrity of the document, we formed a board of advisers made up of extremely […]

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Every Day is ‘Diabetes Awareness Day’ at LowCarbUSA®

By Pam Devine on December 20, 2018

Penny Marshall, ‘Laverne’ famed actress and comedian, died December 17, 2018 at the age of 75 from ‘complications related to diabetes’.  This breaks our heart and is the reason Doug Reynolds and I have made it our mission to work every day, all day on getting information and resources out to our communities world-wide. Don’t wait just […]

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Keto For Kids, Autism and ADHD

By Doug Reynolds on November 15, 2018

Dr. Robert Cywes first spoke at our event in San Diego in 2018 and he was a huge hit.  Many people approached me saying it was the best presentation of the whole conference.  He states that his whole treatment philosophy is based on his understanding of obesity and diabetes. “They are basically exactly the same […]

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You can drink wine and stay healthy

By Doug Reynolds on November 12, 2018

The holidays have a funny way of encouraging over-indulgence.  We eat more, travel more, drink more, party more; everything seems to be in excess.  Our health takes a hit.  We sacrifice our bodies for a few months in the name of celebration and good cheer.  Then, we make the New Year’s Resolution to get back to […]

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The Pieces Are In Place: ‘Standard of Care’ (SoC) Initiative

By Doug Reynolds on October 25, 2018

You will remember that, from a legal perspective, SoC or ‘Standard of Care‘ is defined as “providing health care in accordance with the standards of practice among members of the same health care profession with similar training and experience situated in the same or similar communities at the time the health care is rendered.”  In other […]

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The Driving Force Behind the Dietary Guidelines

By Doug Reynolds on August 30, 2018

Up until a couple of months ago, when we paid a visit to Dr. Gary Fettke and his wife Belinda in Tasmania, our finger pointing at those to blame for the introduction of the catastrophic USDA dietary guidelines clearly singled out Ancel Keys and the McGovern Commission but we had never considered where they themselves […]

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World Renowned Low Carb Doctor Tells How He Got Started

By Doug Reynolds on May 31, 2018

Dr. Peter Brukner is a world renowned physician with a thriving sports medicine practice in Melbourne, Australia.  He has served as team doctor and Head of the Sports Medicine Department for many international teams including Australia’s Olympic team and their national cricket team as well as the Liverpool Football Club in England.  It was whilst […]

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Professional Training in LCHF/Ketogenic Nutrition & Treatment

By Doug Reynolds on May 9, 2018

On the 1st of May, 2018 the Nutrition Network  officially launched the Online Course: “Professional Training in LCHF/Ketogenic Nutrition & Treatment!” This online, CME-approved low carb training course is the first of it’s kind and has received full international CPD (Continuing Professional Development) accreditation.  It is worth 23 CPD units for participating medical professionals! At LowCarbUSA® we […]

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The Emotional Cost Of Standing Up For The Truth

By Doug Reynolds on

We talked previously with Dr. Gary Fettke about his amazing success in advising a low carb diet for diabetes to help address their complications and avoid surgery and then we addressed the fallout he has experienced from providing this advice.  Now we talk with his wife Belinda about the emotional toll this persecution has taken on him […]

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