Sugar Free Wine, The Healthy Option

Ketogenic Wine from around the worldKetogenic Wine from Dry Farm Wines have zero carbs and no added sugar, additives or artificial coloring.  They are lower alcohol wines and are mycotoxin free.  FDA Approved, this Sugar Free Wine leaves you with NO HANGOVER!

Whenever we find ourselves explaining the advantages and benefits of a Ketogenic Diet to someone, one of the first questions we invariably get asked is, ‘what about alcohol?’.  The carb content of beer is really high and for those of us trying to follow Keto.  Even just one beer can be too much.  Sugar In Wine is high (at least in the conventional US wines).  This means High Carbs as well, and a glass of wine can have the same effect as a beer.  However, now you can get Ketogenic Wine from our friends at Dry Farm Wines.

And then there’s the hangover, doesn’t that just ruin everything?

Excessive alcohol is a contributing factor to a hangover.  However, so too does the sugar content of the wine or the mixers used.  The preservatives and additives in most beers and wines also contribute hugely to getting a really bad night’s sleep.  Wine, in particular, is guilty of this.  Many people, are finding that they seem to be less tolerant of a glass or two of wine these days.  The feeling the next day is so unpleasant that they even refrain from drinking wine at all anymore.   Conventional modern wines are now much higher in alcohol, higher in sugar, and filled with chemicals and additives to improve texture, color, and flavor.  The FDA has approved 76 chemicals and additives for use in winemaking.  Also, short cuts in farming practices in the name of productivity and profitability often result in many conventional wines containing fungicides, mycotoxins and phthalates.  No wonder we feel terrible the next day!

And then we came across some Ketogenic Wine!  All the Sugar Free Wine from Dry Farm Wines is also preservative and additive free and ‘YOU CAN DRINK THEM WITHOUT GETTING A HANGOVER’!  They are selected from vintners who use only traditional, organic, and natural winemaking methods so now you can drink and enjoy wine again without the side effects.

These Ketogenic Wines All Share Organic Farming And Traditional Winemaking Rituals, Including:

    • Natural, organic or bio-dynamic viticulture/farming
    • Dry farming, no use of irrigation
    • Old growth vines, generally 35-100 years
    • Hand harvested fruit from low yields
    • Minimal intervention in the vinification and aging
    • Wild native yeast in fermentation
    • No commercial yeast for flavor alteration
    • No or minimal filtering/fining
    • No or minimal use of new oak
    • No or minimal addition of SO2 (sulfites)
    • No chaptalization (adding sugar to the grape must in fermentation)
    • No chemical additives for aroma, color, flavor or texture enhancement

Dry farming means relying entirely on natural rainfall as has been done for millennia in Europe.  A dry farmed vine produces a more complex, deep flavored fruit that can be picked when it’s less ripe (and much lower in sugar content).  Their use of old-growth vines also improves the quality.  The more mature a grape vine, the deeper its roots and greater its ability to draw moisture and minerals from the soil.  The way the wines are fermented is different, too.  Rather than using commercial yeasts, they are fermented using the wild, naturally occurring yeasts found on the grapes. This lends more complexity and a unique quality that you simply won’t find in a conventional wine.

The Sugar Free Wine is Lab Tested

Because they are sugar free wines and carb free, they are the perfect Ketogenic Wines for those following a Ketogenic Diet.  Their founder, Todd White is strictly ketogenic and has remained in ketosis for many years despite drinking copious amounts the wines he procures.   All of their wines are scrutinized and investigated carefully to meet exact and specific standards, including lab analysis by a certified enologist.  First, says Todd, a wine must be soulful and delicious and then it must meet our purity standards.

In lab testing they are looking for 4 things:

Statistically Sugar Free Wine

They test their wines in a lab or fructose and glucose, the two sugars found in wine.  All of their wines are <1g/L of total sugars, statistically sugar free. These low/no sugars are naturally occurring, nothing added or taken away.  Ethyl alcohol is carb free.  Carbs in wine come from the sugar content, as their wines are statistically sugar free, they are also statistically carb free.

Mycotoxin/Mold Free

All of their wines are tested for the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A.  All of their wines meet the E.U. standard for screening at less the 2 parts per billion of OCA.  There is no standard or testing of U.S. Wines for OCA.  OCA is a known carcinogenic.  To give you a reference point, the E.U. allows OCA in coffee up to 10 parts per billion.

Low Alcohol

Wines can range in alcohol from 7 – 24% alcohol by volume.  However, the US Government does not require alcohol levels on the label to be accurate.  It is simply “stated” and there is ZERO U.S. enforcement for accuracy.  Dry Farm Wines test every wine to verify it is at or below what is stated on the label and their wines do not exceed a naturally occurring 12.5% alcohol.  They do not select wines that have been processed with artificial alcohol reduction techniques.


The US government restricts added sulfites in wine to 350 ppm (parts per million).  For now, they have created a standard not to exceed 75 ppm in their wines.  Actually most of the wines they represent are below 50 ppm.

Like many practices in the wine world, added S02, (sulfites) is a source of some controversy.  Here is what is known for sure…all wines contain some sulfites, as they are naturally occurring.  In the winemaking process. S02 is often added to a wine as a preservative, meant to stabilize and preserve the wine.

Whether added sulfites affect how you feel (actual allergies are quite rare) is also a matter of considerable debate.  The debate also continues as to whether added S02 punches some of the life and taste out of wine, as it is a sterilizer.  Dry Farm Wines generally feel that wines that are lower in sulfites, are more alive and real, with more vivid soul and personality.

Here is where they are…most of the wines in their collection of natural and organic wines have no added S02 or very minimally added to stabilize preservation.  Preferably wines that are low, generally below 50 ppm are preferred.  Experiment with different wines to see how sulfites affect your taste and body;  they publish S02 levels on each wine from their lab.  They do not select wines for their collection that exceed 75 ppm.

Sugar Free WineHaving received and tested a selection of the wines I am happy to report that all the claims Todd makes are true, especially the one about the hangover!  We had a few friends over for an extensive testing evening and after finishing all 6 bottles, no one reported a hangover or adverse reaction of any kind the next day.  Pam also reported that she had not put on any weight in the days following the tasting which is always a big problem for her with conventional wines.  They are also great for special occasions and seasonal gatherings.

Make a decision to Claim Your One Penny Bottle Now.  It’ll be the most rewarding decision you have made in long time! We have entered into an affiliate program with them so choosing the Healthiest Wines and  taking advantage of their Special Offer helps us too and WE ALL WIN!!

[Doug Reynolds:  Founder – LowCarbUSA®]

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Dry Farm Wines
Ketogenic Wines Delivered!

Now you can get access to wines from around the world that are lab tested to ensure they are sugar and additive free. Finally a prefect companion for anyone on a low carb or ketogenic diet.

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