‘Ravenous’ – Otto Warburg the Nazis & the Search for the Cancer Diet Connection: Ep 78

Download Episode The other day, Tim Noakes tweeted the following: “Third truly iconic book in low-carb literature. All written by investigative journalists who’ve done as much for promoting low-carb science as anyone: ‘Good Calories Bad Calories’ by Gary Taubes; ‘Big Fat Surprise’ by Nina Teicholz and now ‘Ravenous’ by Sam Apple. We’re blessed!” Praise doesn’t […]
Surprising Insights from Wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM): Ep 77

Download Episode Recently Pam and I were approached by Casey Means, MD who is the co-founder and Chief medical officer of a company called Levels which is creating an App to integrate with a CGM and provide a whole lot of added value to basic scan data available in the CGM dashboard. We go over […]
Fabulously Keto: Are You a Moderator or an Abstainer? – Ep 76

Download Episode Jackie Fletcher and Louise Reynolds were both morbidly obese at one point but both follow a ketogenic lifestyle now and both have reversed that situation although they followed very different paths to get there. Louise is a university professor from Australia although currently she is resident in Bangkok. After trying everything to beat […]
The Sherlock Holmes of Health – Mary Ruddick: Ep 75

Download Episode Dubbed the “Sherlock Holmes of Health,” Mary Ruddick is an internationally acclaimed nutritionist currently based in Africa, where she is studying traditional tribal diets and their impact on health. She is the Director of Nutrition for CaptainSoup.com, Enable Your Healing, The REIGNS Method, and the Back to Joy Program. She has been […]
Arthur Agatston, Inventor of the Coronary Artery Calcium Score & South Beach Diet: Ep 74

Download Episode Arthur Agatston, MD, attended New York University School of Medicine. He did his internal medicine training at Montefiore Medical Center at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and his cardiology fellowship at NYU. He spent a year on staff at NYU while training to best combine both academic medicine with clinical practice. He […]
Struggle Giving Up Bread And Chips? There May Be A Solution: Ep 73

Download Episode William Schumacher found when he adopted a keto diet that he was like me and did not miss bread at all but what he did miss was really good crunchy chips (or crisps as they are called in various other regions). Uprising Foods is on a mission to rebuild and reformulate the staple […]
Stress Less, Accomplish More – Emily Fletcher: Ep 72

Download Episode I was introduced to Emily Fletcher by Robb Wolf after I was talking with him about my issues with traumatic brain injury and he said the Ziva meditation method that Emily has developed totally changed his life. He describes it now as Life Before Ziva and Life After Ziva. Before actually talking to […]
RD Beats Anxiety And Gets Her Life Back on a Carnivore Diet : Ep 71

Download Episode This was such a good chat!! Michelle Hurn was a Registered Dietitian working in a hospital setting and trying to get ready to qualify for the Olympic Marathon team. As she started to increase her training everything started to shut down. She was breaking out in cold sweats and developing severe muscle pains […]
Robb Wolf Talks About his Collaboration on the Book and Movie ‘Sacred Cow’: Ep 70

Download Episode It’s always such a pleasure to catch up with Robb Wolf. He’s such a humble, wise man. This time we got to speak about the latest project he finished up working on recently, ‘Sacred Cow’, the book and movie project he helped on enormously. We spoke to Diana Rodgers in a podcast a […]
Blinded By Sugar – Dr. James Muecke, 2020 Australian Of The Year: Ep 69

Download Episode Dr. James Muecke is an ophthalmologist who was nominated as Australian of the Year in 2020 for his ongoing humanitarian work in helping to prevent blindness in impoverished communities in many places around the world. About a year ago, however, he became aware of the potential of reversing type 2 diabetes by restricting […]