5/1/2021 3 - 5 pm PST Nicholas Norwitz, PhD, MHP Ketogenic Diets for Alzeimer's Prevention in ApoE4s
6/5/2021 3 - 5 pm PST Bret Scher, MD Myths of Preventive Cardiology
7/3/2021 3 - 5 pm PST Dave Feldman Hidden in Plain Sight – New Insights on How Fasting Research Connects Keto, Glycogen Stores, and Cholesterol
8/7/2021 3 - 5 pm PST Dr. Ben Describing Muscle Strength as a Driver of Metabolic Health
9/4/2021 3 - 5 pm PST Robert Cywes, PhD, MD Changing Therapeutic Strategy: Principles Of Carbohydrate Addiction Management
10/2/2021 3 - 5 pm PST Ben Bikman, PhD Flipping the Switch: moving from insulin resistance to diabetes

Questionnaire for CME Application

Lecture Recordings (Place Holders for now so you can see what the page will look like)

Opening Remarks - Boca 2021

Adele Hite - The Society for Metabolic Health Practitioners: Oh, the places we’ll go!

Gary Fettke - Carbohydrate: The Dose is the Poison

David Diamond - Is a High Level of LDL-Cholesterol on a Low Carbohydrate Diet a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease?

Vyvyane Loh - Ethnic Differences in Cardiometabolic Health

Ignácio Cuaranta - Fasting and Ketogenic Diets - Challenges and Opportunities in Psychiatry
