Certified Low Carb Coaching Program Launch: Ep 44

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LowCarbUSA® has partnered with Restore Health to provide a certified coaching program to support people adopting the Low Carb (or Ketogenic) Lifestyle. The program is brilliantly sequenced and rolled out in a manner that enables participants to make these behavioural changes in a methodical and sustainable way. Participants are paired with a real, live health coach and use Smart devices to make tracking their progress a total breeze.

Dr. Ben Bocchicchio at the LowCarbUSA Boca Conference this past January. Bocchicchio’s SMaRT™ exercise philosophy is a key component of the Restore Health program.

A unique feature of this program is the exercise component, which incorporates Dr. Ben Bocchicchio’s SMaRT™ exercise philosophy. Bocchicchio advocates a plan that calls for just two 15-minute workouts per week. The specially designed workouts are the result of five decades of work by Bocchicchio, and yield optimal muscle mass and strength benefits. The workouts activate the same metabolic pathways that the ketogenic diet does and provide the perfect adjunct to the diet.

Most people are skeptical about a workout plan that requires only two 15-minute workouts per week, yet those who try it routinely see impressive results in as little as four or five workouts. It’s quite astounding. You can learn more about it here.’

But what about people who have spent years doing hour-plus workouts four or more times per week? Will their results be compromised when they switch to Bocchicchio’s SMaRT™ exercise program?

“No,” answered Bocchicchio. “It’s actually a matter of what kind of enhancements can I get? What are the exaggerated, accelerated benefits I can get by not working out four times a week?”

“Almost everyone’s objectives are to increase muscle mass or tone and reduce body fat, while improving metabolic health,” Bocchicchio said. “If that’s your goal, twice a week works out ideally… In 50 years of clinical observation, this system works with most of the people, most of the time.”

LowCarbUSA co-founder Doug Reynolds (center), with Restore Health’s Kristen Simon and Garrett Lincoln at the Boca Conference in January 2020.

Restore Health attended the LowCarbUSA® San Diego conference last year. It soon became apparent that their coaching program would be an excellent match with the low carb and keto philosophy embraced by LowCarbUSA®.

Kristen Simon, a health coach and member of the Restore Health leadership team, explained the four pillars of the program. “The program addresses nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress,” Simon said. “To be completely healthy, all four of these things have to be working well. Our coaches provide actionable tips and strategies that help you optimize each of these four components.”

Simon said she is frequently asked how long it might take before one sees noticeable results on the Restore Health program. “The first thing people think about is weight loss,” she said, “but there are so many other positive results that members experience, including having more energy and mental clarity, and feeling more productive.”

She said it is common for members to experience noticeable results in the first month, and for significant weight loss to occur over the first four months, along with big improvements in many other important metrics.

LowCarbUSA® co-founder Doug Reynolds said the primary goal of the program is to restore health. “If we can improve our metabolic health, weight will normalize over time. Our focus is to become healthy.”


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