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Nadia Pateguana is a Naturopathic Doctor focusing on PCOS at ‘The Fasting Method’ with Jason Fung and Megan Ramos.  She has an amazing story of how she came to the realisation that diet and lifestyle could, and should, be the answer to PCOS and other metabolic conditions.  Some of her more profound statements were: “Women with PCOS are not infertile, they are anovulatory, i.e. they are not ovulating.  You can address this with drugs but if you don’t address the underlying Insulin Resistance then they are at risk for all these other pregnancy complications like preeclamsia, eclamsia, pregnancy related hypertension, gestational diabetes, miscarriages, and more.  And then the babies are susceptible much higher risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality.”

You can reach Nadia through the website and her book, ‘The PCOS Plan’ can be found on Kindle and Audible.


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