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We have partnered with Restore Health to launch a comprehensive mentoring Program for embracing a low carb lifestyle.  This program is available to everyone, but we are finding that it has become a very powerful tool for practitioners.  Once they are able to get their patients to understand that they need to change their lifestyle in order to address their metabolic health issues, this proves to be a very helpful tool to help those patients to actually implement the changes.  The program addresses not only the concept of reducing carbs in their diet, but it shows them how to achieve huge metabolic benefits by doing Dr. Ben’s SMaRT™ exercise program which only requires 15 minutes twice a week, literally.  They also teach strategies to improve sleep and reduce stress.

In the end, most people providing feedback on the program have told us that they found the access to a live coach was the best part of all. Having someone they can turn to with questions and to hold them accountable seems to be a huge plus!

You can learn more here.


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