World Renowned Low Carb Doctor Tells How He Got Started

Low Carb DoctorDr. Peter Brukner is a world renowned physician with a thriving sports medicine practice in Melbourne, Australia.  He has served as team doctor and Head of the Sports Medicine Department for many international teams including Australia’s Olympic team and their national cricket team as well as the Liverpool Football Club in England.  It was whilst he was with the Liverpool team, in fact, that he made a profound personal discovery and started to become known as a Low Carb Doctor as well.

Similar to me, he had been struggling for years putting on about a pound a year and developing other disorders such as Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).  He has been great friends with Prof. Tim Noakes for many years and on hearing that Prof had done a ‘one-eighty‘ on carbohydrates he thought he should take a look at it.  After reading ‘Good Calories, Bad Calories‘ by Gary Taubes and ‘Big Fat Surprise‘ by Nina Teicholz he became convinced.

So he decided to try it.  He had his bloods done and then dived right in.   He says he started cooking and eating like his grandmother used to.  He noticed a dramatic change within the first few days.  First he noticed that he was no longer constantly hungry and he soon cut back to 2 meals day.  He started losing about 2 lbs a week and after 13 weeks he had lost 15 kg (about 33 lbs).  Then he had his bloods done again and everything was back to normal.  Even he his fatty liver problem which he had struggled with for years had vanished.

Then a lot of the athletes we was working with noticed the difference and started asking what he was up to.  Although he was not there as the nutritionist, he agreed to share his secrets if they explicitly asked him and in time many of them adopted it with great success.  One story in particular stands out for him. A particularly good Australian cricketer had struggled for years with a knee condition similar to rheumatoid arthritis.  It caused him tremendous pain and he had to inject himself with a very powerful and expensive drug every fortnight just to be able to keep playing.  Since was not able to train at full capacity he struggled continuously with his weight too.

Seeing the Low Carb Doctor’s success he decided he wanted to try ‘Doc’s Diet’ too.  After 3 weeks he mentioned to Peter that he had ‘forgotten’ to take his injection.  As the drugs wore off towards the end of the fortnight, the pain did not return and so he forgot the injection.  To this day, the pain has not returned and the injections are a thing of the past.

In the video below we hear his incredible story first hand and talk additionally about his efforts to get this information to more doctors around the country and his great new book.

[Doug Reynolds:  Founder – LowCarbUSA®]Doug Reynolds

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