Ken Berry on The Proper Human Diet and In-Person Events: Ep 88

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Ken Berry, MD, speaks with LowCarbUSA®  co-founder Doug Reynolds about the proper human diet, as well as the importance of getting to know the people behind your screens, by meeting others in person at live events.

Dr. Berry was a presenter at the hugely successful Low Carb Boca Conference, and will be presenting at the upcoming Low Carb San Diego Conference to be held August 25-28. Tickets to the San Diego event are now available , visit that event page and navigate to the ‘Register Now’ button to view the current discounted special early bird price. Use the listed code to save  on tickets, spectacular low-carb-dinners, and CME/CMHE credits if you register today.

“If you try to feed a highly processed modern diet to us, we get fat, we get sick, we get pre-diabetic, and we get fatty liver,” said Dr. Berry. “Well, in that same vein, I think there’s a need for human interaction, a need to be part of a tribe, a need to meet new people, and form lasting meaningful relationships in person. I think the research is very clear that that’s very important for overall mental health…”

Dr. Berry said he believes social media can help people learn about health and nutrition, and can help them make important connections, but ultimately there is no substitute for actually meeting other people in person.

“When you meet people in person, it’s almost like a family reunion,” said Dr. Berry. “It’s the coolest thing, you’ve never met these people in your life, but you feel like you’re at a reunion of family or old friends. It’s like I’ve been following you for two years on Instagram, it’s so wonderful to meet you in person. I think it takes those social media relationships to the next level, a deeper and more meaningful level. I think it’s almost magical.”

The new relationships one makes at an in-person event can be life-changing, said Dr. Berry.  “You’re going to walk away with a cell phone full of new contacts, new cell phone numbers, and new email addresses… I would encourage everyone, if you have not been to one of these low carb events, save up your money, I promise you it is an investment in your long term physical and mental health, to be part of this tribe. Take a friend with you, find a buddy who maybe doesn’t live in the same town, but is also interested in low carb and say, Hey, let’s go to this thing, let’s meet there and make some new friends.”


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