Ben Davis Story – Third Ultra Race

Fat For Fuel - 3rd UltraEditor’s Note:  Currently, Ben is trying to share his experiences with all the veterans out there to show that the Keto Diet can be used to aid recovery from PTSD as well as managing the chronic pain from injuries sustained during their service.  In an effort to shine a light on his efforts and share his journey, he is planning to run one ultra-marathon a month in 2018.  And all this using only Fat For Fuel (Carb Free).  This is an edited version of his experience in his third ultra race.  You can read his back story hereYou can also read about his epic first run here.

So the run for March turned out to be the Fools Day 50km in Peninsula Ohio.  He says if you look at the area on Google Maps it looks like a huge forest but if you take the trees away it looks more like the Grand Canyon.  So a very hard, technical trail run but he was still hoping to get in under 7 hours.   However, true to form, the weather had something to say about it.

There was a lot of rain prior to his third race using only Fat For Fuel and when he started the temperature was 26 degrees.  Although this was way warmer than the minus three (-3) degrees he started in on his first run it did mean that and the ground was frozen.  But coming into the second and third laps the ground was beginning to thaw and the muddy conditions turned it into a skating rink.  He wiped out a few times and was literally on his hands and knees at times.  For the final lap he even got out the trekking poles.  He describes it as “A lot of fun but one of the hardest things I feel I have ever done”.  Coming from him, and if you know his back story, then that is saying a lot.  He was really questioning his reasons for being there during the race but looking back once he was finished he felt an enormous sense of accomplishment.  His time was slow but he beat the cutoff and he was very pleased that he didn’t finish last.

We plan to get him in a breakout talk at our event in San Diego to talk about his journey so far.  We were in Australia and missed him in April but we catch up with him again in May to talk about his 4th and 5th runs.

[Doug ReynoldsFounder – LowCarbUSA®]Doug Reynolds

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