It IS Possible To Manage Type 1 Diabetes Safely: Ep 121

Download Episode In this powerful episode of the LowCarbUSA podcast, Doug Reynolds and Pam Devine sit down with Beth McNally and Matt Miernik, the couple behind T1D Nutrition, to discuss their journey with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and the transformative role of nutrition in managing the condition. Their journey began in 2015 when their son […]
Susan Keuter: Inspiring Others in Type 1 Diabetes Community While Confronting Metastatic Breast Cancer

T1D Mimi Facebook Community Leader Finishes Treatments in Time to Get to Nebraska for Birth of Third Granddaughter As the Symposium for Metabolic Health unfolded last month in Boca Raton, Florida, illuminating the latest insights into type 1 diabetes management across two dedicated days of presentations and workshops, a remarkable narrative was unfolding far from […]
John and Arienne Cripps: A Tandem Journey Toward Metabolic Health

Key Takeaways from Boca Symposium, Including a Paradigm Shift in Type 1 Diabetes Management After experiencing more than five hours of insightful presentations on the management of type 1 diabetes, retired ophthalmologist Dr. John Cripps approached the microphone during a Q&A session at the Symposium for Metabolic Health in Boca Raton, FL. “I’ve learned more […]
Charting a New Course in Type 1 Diabetes: Ep 114

Download Episode In this episode we talk with Pascal Lemieux, a passionate advocate for health and wellness, with a specific focus on type 1 diabetes management and endurance sports. His blend of personal experience and professional dedication makes him an invaluable voice in the dialogue on type 1 diabetes care. His involvement in the planning and […]
Pioneering Ketogenic Management for Active Lifestyles in Type 1 Diabetes

Dr. Ian Lake — a UK GP With type 1 diabetes who has run 100 miles fasted & resumed the sport of paragliding — will guide patients & practitioners at upcoming Symposium In the lead-up to the 8th Annual Symposium for Metabolic Health, scheduled for January 12-14 in Boca Raton, we had the opportunity to […]
Jessica Turton, PhD, MND to Present Groundbreaking Research on Type 1 Diabetes at Upcoming Symposium

Special Workshop and Full-Day Session to Explore Role of Metabolic Therapies including Carbohydrate Reduction in Type 1 Diabetes The 8th Annual Boca Symposium for Metabolic Health, scheduled for January 12-14, 2024, is generating considerable interest for its upcoming focus on the role of carbohydrate-reduced diets, including ketogenic diets in the management of type 1 diabetes. […]
8th Annual Boca Symposium to Break New Ground with Type 1 Diabetes Focus

Dr. Belinda Lennerz enthusiastic about bringing together expert clinicians and researchers to advance the science Enthusiasm is growing for the upcoming 8th Annual Boca Symposium for Metabolic Health (January 12-14, 2024), which will feature a special bonus workshop and full day of presentations devoted to exploring how metabolic therapies, such as low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diets, can […]
“The Diabetes Solution” Exposes Truth About Type 1 Diabetes: Ep 84

Download Episode This is such an amazing story! Bethany McKenzie is a mom on a mission to tell the story of how she manages her son’s Type 1 Diabetes through diet and lifestyle in spite of the resistance from the doctors and supposed specialists. “I just tell my story in a very common way”, she […]
Ben Bikman – What is Insulin Resistance, Really? Ep 62
Download Episode What a fascinating discussion with Dr. Ben Bikman about what Insulin Resistance really means. He makes this statement towards the end but I would like to highlight it right here at the start, “We should be studiously avoiding dogmatic thinking and constantly be checking what we think we know, lest we become that […]
Controlling Type 1 Diabetes with Keto & HIT – Andrew Berger (Type1Berger): Episode 15

[podcast src=”” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”top” use_download_link=”use_download_link” download_link_text=”Download this Episode” primary_content_url=”” theme=”custom” custom_color=”e3d9d2″ libsyn_item_id=”11245586″ /]As a Type 1 Diabetic, Andrew Berger describes how he had reduced his use of insulin from 120 units to 26 by adopting a ketogenic diet as well as using a lot of weight. Then, at our last LCUSA […]