Shashikant Iyengar – First Metabolic Health Practitioner (MHP) in India: Ep 102

Download Episode Doug Reynolds. MHP, recently interviewed Shashikant Iyengar, MHP, a former pharma rep, who has decided to devote the rest of his career to helping others improve their health and quality of life with a low-carb way of eating. In Epiosde 102 of the LowCarbUSA® Podcast, Shashi explains how the low-carb diet helped him reverse […]
Healthy & Delicious Low-Carb Recipes for Vegetarians: Ep 101

Download Episode LowCarbUSA® and Society of Metabolic Health founder Doug Reynolds has often talked about the importance of making therapeutic carbohydrate restriction available to as wide an audience as possible, in spite of any cultural, religious, ethical, or other differences. “We don’t want to exclude anyone from reaping the benefits of a low-carb, ketogenic lifestyle, […]